Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mustache Bash!

Ok I've got bitten by the blog bug :) I'm going to ride this wave for a bit and see how many posts I'm actually able to knock out, ha! I found Eric's file with all of Lakai's First birthday pictures, woorahh! The theme for his party was "Mustache Bash"! It was super cute! He practically dove into his cake and did a great job smashing it all over his face. It was a great party and the little man had a wonderful time. Can't believe he's a year old already, time is slipping away from me!

It was a great party! Thanks to everyone that came :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Forever and a Day

It's been WAY too long since I last blogged!! So sawy :) Of course LOADS of things have happened since I cut all my hair off. It's no longer 2000 degrees outside! Woo hoo! Both Reagan and Lakai had birthdays at the end of September, super cute. I'll post pictures of that (someday....maybe). Lakai is officially walking, happened at 13 months (only 2 months behind sissy, no big deal right??) He still prefers crawling since the walking isn't quite as fast yet but I'm calling it official anyway. He walked all the way from the kitchen to Reagans room last night so that just proves it, ha! We had one of Eric's photog friends take our family pics this year. A big shout out to Miss Jane Zarzynski for the amazing shots! What a chore it was for her. My kids were a little CUCKOO after being in the car for almost 2 hours (we drove to Sedona for the gorgeous scenery). Anywootin' those are the pictures that I'm posting today. I'll try to be better about posting. "Try" being the key word :)