Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm ready for a nap please

With the new year comes new church time. We went from 11 to 1. That means that we can either TRY to put Reagan down for an early nap (HA HA HA HA HA) or we can keep her up and put her down when we get home. We tried option 1 the first week. Not so fun! So this week we tried option 2. And this was the result as we drove home :)

1 comment:

Scott and Kim said...

I know every kid's different, but maybe you can teach her that sunday is a church day and she can't go to church until she takes a nap? That's worked for Bryce, who didn't do well the first week, but now has gotten used to the idea and actually took a 2 hour nap this Sunday. Good luck with whatever you can get her to do!