Saturday, March 27, 2010

Alright, the Verdict Is In.....

Looks like majority wins! We're having a lil' mister. As many of you know, Eric and I were both under the impression that we were only capable of making little girls and were therefore figuring that we'd be getting little missy #2. We already had her name picked out and everything. When the ultra sound tech said "ok, looks like it's a......." I was thinking "a girl, ya ya ya". So when she finished with "....BOY!" I swear I almost fell off the table. I actually asked her "seriously???" at which point she pointed to a certain part of the screen and said "yep, boy". She made sure to print off LOTS of the pictures and was nice enough to include the little pointer indicating "boy". This is great! We get one of each! I'm still trying to get use to the fact that Reagan is having a little brother. I almost feel like I don't know how to deal with a boy, haha! How do you play with a boy? So anyway, we are back at square one trying to think of names for this little man. So far he's going by lil' mister. Eric's nixed every name I've come up with so far and he hasn't thought of any yet so.....we're off to a great start : ) If you think of anything cute let me know, just none of this Huckleberry, Truman or Lionel nonsense (I do apologize if that happens to be your name, awkward moment I suppose).


Bud & Kim said...

Yea congrats!

Unknown said...

Story of my life with the name thing. I'm with you too I don't know what I'm going to do with a boy.

Shazy said...

Well I was totally going to suggest Huckelberry Lionel Greenhalgh, but you shot that down...:-( Wish I could help you, but it took everything and I mean everything for Mike and I to come up with our lil' mister's name. I got vetoed A LOT!

Shannon said...

yay! how fun!!! I say Eric Jr. ;)

Kristin said...

Yeah yeah yeah!!! So excited for you guys! And my thoughts do you play with a boy!?!?!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I am the worse friend ever! I didn't even know you are pregnant! Sorry :( Congrats though that is so exciting!

Amy said...

Yay!! I am so excited for your cute family! I love boys though!! It's different than loving a kind of get a little crush on your lil mister! So fun! My favorite names: Conrad, Bruce, Royal, Brock & Ezra. I love strong boy names!

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your new baby! We are so excited to have a little boy in the family! It will be different for us, for sure. How about hispanic names, since Eric wanted Allure, I don't know if I spelled that right!!! Maybe Javier, or Leon, Reyes, Enrique. Ha, I am sure you will come up with something very unique.
Love you!!