Monday, August 1, 2011

Blue is for...get coloring!

I love the lake. I especially love the lake during the summer. And I MOST especially love the lake when there are jet ski's to be ridden. Thanks Dad and Renee for planning this fun trip, we had a blast!

Look at this crazy baby hair!

The cuteness that is Devin and Marisa :)

Cousin love

Not sure why I didn't get a single shot of my dad, Renee or any of the boys :( Looks like we better do it again SOON!! {hint hint wink wink}

Oh and to explain the title. The other night while driving home we were coming to a stoplight. So Reagan starts saying, "red means stop, yellow means slow down and green means GO!" she pauses for a second then says "and blue means...get coloring!" Just a delightful little look into the funny things my Reagan says :)

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