Tuesday, July 20, 2010

~~California and Camping Wedding~~

Keeping up with all our summer adventures! We got to go visit my grandparents for a week. We had a blast, it was a new adventure every day. We went to parks, The Sacramento Zoo, the pool and had a lot of fun just running around "gwama and papa's" house. We spent 2 days at home before heading back out for Brittany and Ricky's (Ricky is one of Eric's 2nd cousins) wedding up in Nutrioso, AZ. The wedding was in the woods so we camped out :) It was a ton of fun. And Brittany looked fabulous, of course!! So much fun so far this summer, so much more to be had!!

1 comment:

Verl said...

What absolute beauties you have as women in your life Eric.

Love you all,
