Friday, August 13, 2010

ER 101 - Our First Class

Well for anyone that wasn't abreast of the event while it was happening Reagan experienced her first emergency last night. While waiting to be seated at Native New Yorker Reagan was climbing down off the seat that she was sitting on and Eric had a hold of her hand so that she wouldn't fall/get away. She started to make a run for it so Eric lifted her back up onto the chair by her hand. That's when the arm went limp and the crying started. Unfortunately it wasn't just her disappointment of being caught that kept the tears coming. She couldn't move her arm without screaming. This is the first time we've ever been faced with this sort of thing so we didn't know what to do at first. We were in Tempe, at a restaurant, and there didn't appear to be any swelling, bruising or discoloration at all. Based on the screaming that persisted at the slightest touch or movement we decided to take her to Cardon's Children's ER at Banner Desert. It was a BUSY BUSY BUSY night! Of course, we expected it though. There were a LOT of children in front of us. Some that seemed more serious others that seemed like they should just go back home and take some childrens tylenol. Luckily, the nurses took pity on our poor little monster and got her some pain medication pretty quickly : ) Thank goodness for having a sister in law that new one of the nurses working that night (you ROCK Natalie)!!

Just after checking in. Waiting now to be seen by a nurse for our "diagnosis".

She'd been diagnosed and given some pain meds and was starting to fade pretty quickly. I can't imagine this position being comfortable but it was the only one that she wanted to be in. She'd whimper and cry if we tried to adjust her : (

We finally got her adjusted so that there was less pressure on her right arm. Still waiting to be seen by a Dr though.

The PA diagnosed Reagan as having a partial dislocation in her right elbow. She had to adjust it back into place which was NO FUN and yes there were tears involved!! BUT as soon as she was done she got a popsicle and it was like nothing had ever been wrong. She was able to use the "wounded" arm again and was chatting up a storm!

Here she's just lounging while we wait to be discharged. She's already using her right arm again to play with Daddy's phone :) Back to normal!

Right before they discharged us they took her vitals again. This involved putting something on her finger that made it glow. She liked this a lot and thought it was very neat that her finger was glowing, ha!

So all in all, it turned out to be ok. For our first emergency visit I'm glad that it was only a partial dislocation. There were some other children in there that had it WAY worse. Like the little boy that had pneumonia and was going to have to have a chest tube :( Or the kid who couldn't stop crying while he was doubled over himself in his chair. Eeeck! Special thanks to everyone for all of your caring thoughts and prayers. Reagan is like new today and acting like her arm never hurt. Gotta love 22 month olds :)

1 comment:

Lars said...

We were at Cardon's hospital a few weeks ago with Carden (ear infection) and it was so sad to see all of the other kids there with things so much worse! There was a seven year old or so who cut an artery with glass. It was still pulsing all over the place and I almost cried for her. Poor babies. But I'm glad Raegan is ok now!