Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happenings and Goings On

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you. {Without a dope beat to step to, step to...haha, never mind)! Anyway, naturally lots of things have happened since I last blogged. Especially since my last blog was technically just a plea for people to join our 5K, which I will have you know was a WILD success. We will be doing the same thing next year for our fundraiser. It was so much fun and we have a really good turn out. Very cool experience. So, onward. In March we went to Mexico. It was a beach blast like always, the kids had so much fun and it was fab being able to just chill on the beach and stuff ourselves with the local cuisine :)

The kids have been spending as much time as possible outside to enjoy this last little bit of wonderful weather before we head into triple digs. Yikes I'm really trying to stay positive this year in regards to summer and think OPTIMISTICALLY about all the fun that gets to be had when the weather is scorching. Lake trips, camping, playing in the pool all day. We will make it through and I'm going to try and complain as little as possible :) We shall see how I do!

And of course THE ZOO! I'm pretty sure I'm the bigger fan out of my family but I just can't help myself. I find the place a little bit enchanting. And I've been going to it since I was a wee girl myself so I have an attachment thing going on. Whatever the reasons, we love going and are trying to cram in as many visits as possible before going is no longer an option until October, ha! I will try to be better about posting. I thought these fun little collages would be easier to post than individual pix! Until next time....

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